7 research outputs found

    Common injuries in athletes' knee: experience of a specialized center

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    OBJECTIVE:The present cross-sectional study aims to identify the most common knee injuries in athletes cared at a Specialized Outpatient Clinics.METHOD:Analysis of patients cared at the Knee Outpatient Clinics of a Sports Trauma Center, divided by gender, age and diagnosed injury.RESULTS:Initially 440 patients were divided into 33 types of sports; after excluding the less statistically significant practices, nine sports remained. The most frequently performed sports were football with almost 50% of total patients presenting anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, and road runs with great frequency of meniscal injury. There was no correlation of the disorder with the type of sports performed but a correlation was found with patient's age/gender.CONCLUSION:The complete ACL rupture was the most common injury found in football, basketball and volleyball players, followed by meniscal injury in street runners.Level of Evidence IV, Study Transversal.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of Orthopedics and TraumatologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Orthopedics and TraumatologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of Orthopedics and TraumatologyUNIFESP, Department of Orthopedics and TraumatologySciEL

    Inveterate dysplasic HIP - a surgical treatment

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    We assessed 50 patients (57 hips) with Hip development Inveterate Dysplasia, divided into 2 groups, according to treatments applied. Group A was constituted of 20 patients (24 hips), 2 males and 18 females, with mean age = 65.92m in which preoperative traction was employed for 2-4 weeks, when a bloody reduction, a Salter or Chiari osteotomy and a shortening and rotating-varusing intertrochanteric osteotomy were performed. Group B was formed by 30 patients (33 hips), 1 male and 29 females, with mean age = 52.88m. In those, a diaphyseal femoral osteotomy for shortening, bloody reduction, and Salter or Chiari osteotomy were performed. For X-ray evaluation, the following were analyzed: the Wiberg angle, avascular necrosis; femoral head roundness; discrepancy between lower limbs. For clinical evaluation purposes, we assessed: pain, Trendelenburg, neurological test and range of motion. Clinically, we observed 14 (58.33%) good outcomes and 10 (41.67%) fair outcomes for Group A, and 23 (69.70%) good and 10 (30.30%) fair outcomes for Group B. On X-Ray, outcomes were regarded as good in 9 (37.50%), fair in 5 (20.83%) and bad in 10 (41.67%) for Group A, and good in 23 (69.70%), fair in 5 (15.15%), and bad in 5 (15.15%) patients of Group B. After a statistical analysis, we found better outcomes in Group B.Avaliamos 50 pacientes (57 quadris) com Displasia do desenvolvimento do Quadril Inveterada, divididos em 2 grupos de acordo com o tratamento aplicado. O grupo A foi constituído por 20 pacientes (24 quadris), 2 masculinos e 18 femininos, com média das idades = 65,92m nos quais a tração pré-operatória foi utilizada por 2-4 semanas, quando realizou-se a redução cruenta, a osteotomia de Salter ou a de Chiari e a osteotomia intertrocantérica de encurtamento e rotação-varização. O grupo B foi composto por 30 pacientes (33 quadris), 1 masculino e 29 femininos, com média das idades = 52,88m. Nestes, foi realizada uma osteotomia femoral diafisária para encurtamento, redução cruenta e osteotomia de Salter ou Chiari. Para a avaliação radiográfica analisamos: ângulo de Wiberg, necrose avascular, esfericidade da cabeça femoral; discrepância entre os membros inferiores. Para a avaliação clínica consideramos: dor, Trendelenburg, exame neurológico e arco de movimento. Observamos, clinicamente, 14(58,33%) bons resultados e 10(41,67%) regulares no grupo A e 23(69,70%) bons e 10(30,30%) regulares no B. Radiograficamente, foram considerados 9(37,50%) bons, 5(20,83%) regulares e 10(41,67%) maus resultados no grupo A e 23(69,70%) bons, 5(15,15%) regulares e 5(15,15%) maus resultados no B. Após análise estatística, observamos melhores resultados no grupo B.UNIFESP-EPM DOTUNIFESP-EPM programa de Pós-graduação em Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, DOTUNIFESP, EPM programa de Pós-graduação em Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL

    Evaluation of the patellar height in athletes with diagnosed with chronic tendinopathy of the knee extensor mechanism

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    OBJECTIVES: To carry out a radiographic evaluation of patellar height in athletes diagnosed with chronic tendinopathy of the knee extensor mechanism; METHODS: Radiographic assessments were carried out on 65 patients (110 knees) aged between 15 and 40 years, who practiced different kinds of sports, some with of chronic tendinopathy of the knee extensor mechanism (jumper's knee) and others without. The athletes were divided into two groups: those with diagnosed jumper's knee (group 1:38 athletes - 56 knees) and a control group (group 2:27 athletes - 54 knees). In group 1, 18 of the athletes presented the condition in both knees on examination. The height of the patella was measured using the Insall-Salvati and Blackburne-Peel x-ray methods. CONCLUSION: The presence of a high patella in the group of athletes with chronic tendinopathy of the knee extensor mechanism was significantly higher than in the control group.OBJETIVO: Avaliar radiograficamente a altura patelar de atletas com diagnóstico de tendinopatia crônica do aparelho extensor do joelho (TCAE). MÉTODOS: Na amostra foram avaliados radiograficamente 65 pacientes (110 joelhos) com idade entre 15 e 40 anos e de diferentes modalidades esportivas com e sem diagnóstico de tendinopatia crônica do aparelho extensor do joelho (jumper's knee). Os atletas foram divididos em dois grupos: aqueles com diagnóstico de TCAE (grupo 1: 38 atletas - 56 joelhos) e um grupo que denominamos de controle (grupo 2: 27 atletas - 54 joelhos). RESULTADOS: No grupo 1 tivemos 18 atletas que apresentavam a doença bilateralmente na ocasião dos exames. Para a medida da altura patelar utilizamos os índices radiográficos de Insall e Salvati e Blackburne e Peel. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de patela alta no grupo de atletas com tendinopatia crônica do aparelho extensor do joelho foi significante maior do que a observada no grupo controle.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Supra and intracondylar open fracture of the femur in a motocross athlete: case report

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    The authors report the case of a patient (amateur motocross competitor) who suffered a fall during a motocross competition resulting in a supra and intracondylar open fracture in the right femur.Os autores apresentam o relato de um caso de uma paciente (atleta amador de motocross) que sofreu uma queda durante uma competição e teve fratura supra e intracondiliana exposta de fêmur direito.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteHospital e Maternidade Assunção Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteSciEL

    Condromatose sinovial de joelho: relato de caso Synovial chondromatosis of the knee: case report

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    Os autores apresentam o relato de caso de um paciente ex-atleta de futebol com osteocondromatose sinovial em joelho.<br>The authors report the case of a patient with synovial osteochondromatosis of the knee, who had previously been a soccer player

    Síndrome compartimental em perna após reconstrução de ligamento cruzado anterior: relato de caso Leg's compartment syndrome after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament: case report

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    Os autores apresentam o relato de caso de um paciente que foi submetido à cirurgia de reconstrução de ligamento cruzado anterior e reparo de ligamento colateral medial de joelho esquerdo e que evoluiu com síndrome de compartimento de perna.<br>The authors report a case of a patient that was submitted to a surgery of reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament and collateral medial ligament repair of the left knee that complicated to a compartment syndrome